Monday, April 4, 2016

Top 10 Reasons To Come To PATIENT APPRECIATION DAY 2016!

You are invited to our Patient Appreciation Day 2016 which is on April 23rd. This is our way of saying at Family Orthodontics how much we appreciate our patients' and their families. Without you, our practice would not be amazing!

There are countless reasons to come to Patient Appreciation Day 2016. Here are the top 10:

10) NO need to wait in line to buy a ticket

9) You get to see your favorite staff members at Family Orthodontics 

8) Seeing a free movie with popcorn and a drink (soda etc.)

7) A big theater room is available just for us!

6) You have complete VIP access to the theater when you come (the theater is opening early just for our private showing and our showing only) 

5) You can bring a friend with you

4) The movie is "The Jungle Book" which we know will be great!

3) Able to bond with other fellow patients 

2) You get to hangout with your favorite doctor, Dr. Jung!

1) The top reason to go is that we will be raffling off 2 METS tickets to those attending!!!!! 

How can you pass on this opportunity? This will be a great and memorable experience! 

Cannot wait to see you there!!!

Info: April 23rd, @ 9:30am at Elite 6 Cinema in Chester, NY

Rsvp by: April 20th at 

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